Our business grows from our lifestyle; the products we develop come from our own experiences and the niggly annoyances that we ourselves are facing; always seeking to solve a problem.
The insanely popular Will and Wind Beach Mats came about after our first 12 months on the road traveling Australia. We are early risers which means the grass is still dewy for morning exercise, swim sessions and playground visits. For beach trips the kids like to play in the hard wet sand, always ending up with wet bags and bottoms from the moisture soaking through regular rugs.
Another very common occurrence was spilt drinks, wet feet or condensation from cold food soaking through leaving us with wet, smelly, stained rugs/mats.
We wanted something compact that we could throw in the car, pram or beach bag, that you could lay down on any surface and basically repel clumsy behaviour. There had to be a better way.
When Covid-19 hit we were bunkered down in Arnhem Land NT. This was the time to get stuck into everything you had ever wished you had time for, and that for us was our beach mats. We took our own experiences and started working on solutions to our problems. 4 months and 3 samples later we finally hit the nail on the head.
We developed a product with a PVC underside so you can lay them down on any wet surface, wet sand, wet grass, muddy ovals, and it will not soak through. The PVC prevents moisture from absorbing up through to the top layer. Take it to the skatepark, playground, footy games, markets, festivals...Throw it down on sopping wet muddy grass and you’re protected. Amazing.

The topside is made from an exceptionally durable, hard-wearing, yet soft feeling Oxford fabric that repels liquid. You can spill a bottle of water on top of your mat and it will not soak in. The water beads on top, you can roll it off or wipe it up and it is INSTANTLY dry.
Gone are the days of being mad about a spillage as it’s now just an opportunity to test out how bloody good Will and Wind beach mats are.
Tasmania converted us into red wine drinkers, which obviously comes with risks, like; stains. Now a consideration in our lives, we had to test the mats against red wine.
As you can see below, we filmed our very first reaction.
They are a full size family beach mat that folds back down into itself, with 4 metal pegs, straps and a carry handle. A light weight, compact, water repellent, stain resistant mat for ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.
It can be scary and sometimes risky to put yourself and new products out there, so to receive such an overwhelmingly positive response to our beach mats has been incredible, and affirmed our decision to develop such a product.
The feedback has been nothing short of amazing and we are so glad to see you are all loving them. Our only problem now, is keeping up with demand which is a great problem to have!
Here is what some of you guys have said about the Beach Mats so far...
"It got rained on, [we] shook it off and I seriously couldn't believe it was DRY! Definitely a necessity if you have kids or enjoy being outside!"
"Put them ANYWHERE, doesn't matter how wet it is and you will still be dry and so easy to clean!"
"Even when it rained, water just rolled off and we wiped it dry!"
Check out the range HERE